How to Nail Your BIAB Application: A Insider’s Guide

We sift through hundreds of new applications every year, along with our tried-and-true pool of vendors. Safe to say, we’ve seen it all! Ready to stack the odds in your favor? Here is the inside track on best practices and common slip-ups that can send you to the bottom of the pile in those competitive categories. Plus, the scoop on the judges’ panel and the things they love and hate to see!

Best Practices


Application photos show us that you can provide content we can share to promote the show and YOU!

Common Mistake: Leaving your best content on social media or your website and submitting only poor-quality and/or in-progress photos in your application. We’ve turned away applicants we personally invited to apply because we didn’t recognize their work in low-quality photos.

Common Mistake: Submitting only one photo. There are very few cases where one photo is enough to make a judgment. If it comes down to you and a similar application with multiple photos, you’re almost certainly going to lose out.

We recommend:

  • Make sure the first few photos are high-quality and represent your business at its best.
  • After that, you can include progress photos or less formal shots of new products or finds as needed.
  • If you end up neck and neck with another applicant, this approach gives you the best chance.

We understand certain categories are made to order or based on antique finds. If you fall into these categories, aim to represent the types of items you usually offer to give us an idea of your style and tone.

Note for the content impaired, antiquers, and junkers:
If you’re not a good photographer or struggle with smartphone photos, consider:

  • Using a vintage camera or something that will provide a unique aesthetic.
  • Bribe a photo-savvy high schooler to take photos and create reels or TikTok’s for you. 
  • Hire a pro, even if its just for a few photos. 

Competitive Categories:
Some categories are much more competitive than others, meaning the quality of photos and deliverables play a bigger role in the decision-making process as we eliminate more applications. High-competition categories include:

  • Jewelry
  • Furniture
  • Candles
  • Consumables
  • Purses/Bags

Application Questions

We only ask two questions so make them count!

What do you plan to bring to BIAB: This is your product pitch, explain the scope of what you plan to bring and if helpful why you think it’s a good fit for BIAB. If you have any questions about something you’re considering bringing, it is appropriate to ask them here.

Anything else we should know about you: This is where you tell us about you and your why. Whatever pitch or story best represents you, what you do or what you make. Just try to give us a sense of why you do what you do. 

Meet Your Judges

While our judges have their own personal preferences, some of which they may share. They are primarily picking applicants based on experience for the Born in a Barn audience and based on popular demand.

Shelley Kinnison

Founder & Brain Behind the Barn

At the Judges Table

Loves to See: Lots and lots of photos! A good write up that tells me why you do what you do or who you are. All things unique, antique, junky, risky and full of character. New takes on old things. All things custom and quality.

Hates to See: Anything Christmas themed, overly retail, if its laser cut or engraved, circuited or a woodcut mosaic it better be incredibly unique. Generic business names (I want to refer people to you! It tough if its not memorable). I’ll give you a chance but ‘She Shed’ and ‘____ Creations’ trigger my fight or flight.

Pictured with: OG Barn Boy – Brian Kinnison (Who occasionally has a waive in of his own)

Sammie Kinnison

Map Master & Right Hand

At the Judges Table

Loves to See: Really good photography. Some kind of business presence whether that’s a website or socials. Tell me why you started or why you love what you make. I LOVE to know the rough price range of what you’re bringing, it makes a difference. I like high quality classic pieces or fun and surprising setups. 

Hates to See: Low quality photos. Lack of brand direction or distinct voice. Zero socials or website. Anything with garage sale energy or lack of cohesion.

Alana Bratz

Left Hand & Marketing Magician

At the Judges Table

Loves to See: Strong brand voices, clear artistic vision or solid product value pitches. Short videos and good photos. I love all things artisan, moody, classic, cheeky and subtly western. I love a well-executed detail. Tell me why they are going to love you at BIAB. If the product is right, I like the dark horse that isn’t fully realized yet. Ask if you have questions.

Hates to See: Low quality photos, no write up, no socials and general lack of material. You need to give me something to work with. Make me love the product/brand so I can get them to love you. Lack of participation.

The Application Process

Step 1: 
You send in your filled out application with photos and/or videos.

Step 2:
Your application faces the panel of three judges. 

Step 3:
You will either receive an emailed letter telling you the results. If your accepted this will include the type of acceptance and your next steps.

Step 3: 
If you receive a general acceptance or are a VIP that isn’t required to reapply, you buy your spot in a first come first sale.

If your waived or a pillar you are invoiced directly for your spot.

Types of Acceptance:

Conditional: If your application shows great potential but raises concerns, you’ll get a call to see if we can address them. Common concerns include stocking enough for the show, one product in a lineup being oversaturated by existing vendors, inexperience, or an onsite process that doesn’t align with high traffic. If resolved, your acceptance will proceed into the designated tier.

Waived: Your application was personally chosen by a judge to bypass the usual process and secure a guaranteed spot. Each judge has two waivers to use at their discretion (sometimes three for Shelley, because she’s the boss!). Waivers are granted for reasons like offering a fresh perspective or product, taking a risk on a cool but uncertain product, having an excellent personal or brand story, exceptional promo materials or simply saving a favorite from the rejection pile in a highly competitive category. Being waived means you’ve been personally co-signed – so bring your A-game! Historically, this is our most boom-or-bust category.

General Acceptance: You’ve been accepted into the vendor pool and will receive an access email to buy a spot in the first-come-first-serve sale. You will need to reapply each year.

VIP: Must be a returning vendor. VIPs do not need to reapply annually and automatically receive the first-come-first-serve sale email. VIPs should notify us if they’re introducing a new product category (e.g., a jeweler bringing hats).

Pillar: Our trusted, long-standing vendors! These spots are limited, competitive, and tough to maintain. Pillar vendors are directly invoiced for their spot (pending Shelley’s approval).

Types of Rejections:

General: Take this rejection as a encouragement to apply again. This just mean’s we couldn’t accept you this year.

Category: This letter just means that your category is incompatible with the current show at the moment! For example, metal art for spring gardens always flops at our fall market so we don’t accept categories we know have a very low success rate. Another good example is modern clothing boutiques, they are too retail for BIAB. This type of rejection is unlikely to change in the future.

With a Note: This category is rare due to organizer time constraints, we wish we could give reasons to everyone! Sometimes we will get an application that is absolutely incredible, that we would love to accept but can’t, due to exceptional saturation in a very competitive category. We try to send a personal note if we have time. A good example is bee-based skincare products, we have market capacity for two and both our existing vendors are incredible. Until one of them retires or we scale up the show, it’s difficult to accept another.

Questions about your Application?

How to get answers: If you would like feedback it’s best to ask right after you recieve your letter! Within a few months of the show we are fielding hundreds of messages from vendors and attendees alike and it’s tough to get back to you.